Btltech IT SECURITY Website
Wedding Venues Booking Website
This website Content is:
We Provide Information Technology, CMMC Certification, And Cyber Security. BTL Technologies Inc., is a workforce solutions company with a special focus on medical, information technology, and professional services via government contracting. We provide unmatched excellence in personnel services and proven experience in delivering workforce solutions to the fast paced marketplace. The website must be responsive on any device that the user has (4k Screen to mobile devices), So We developed the Website and fulfilled their requirements.
CLIENT: btltech
SOFTWARE: HTML5, CSS3, JS, Bootstrap v5.0, PHP, CMS CLIENT BackEnd
FEATURES: Portfolio, Contact Information and Location integration, Mobile Responsive Design, User and SEO Friendly
Digital Marketing
Here to Know About This Project
- Refresing to get such a personal touch
- Analysis is part of good management
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- Has survived not only five centuries.
- Distribution patterns may not be as critical